Monogram Communications - Prince George, British Columbia

Social Media Strategiest


My role is to oversee and implement social media strategies for Monogram Communications and their clients.

In addition to social media management, I’ve also been tasked with the responsibility of writing creative copy for radio, digital, blogs, brochures and other marketing-related materials.

Currently managing the following social accounts…

Monogram Social

Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn

DMC Accounting

Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn

Symbol_Original copy.jpg

A few examples of work…


Shauna Lynch Real Estate Team - Blog

Responsible for writing tips and timely advice in the real estate industry. The blog is updated on a monthly basis.

Blog Post: Spring-Clean Your Finances

It’s that time of year again, and a new season means a new start. As you begin decluttering your home, it’s also time to consider decluttering your finances. It can be a challenge to keep on top of everything, including your receipts, keeping your books up to date, and not to mention all those papers that have been stacking up on your desk. It’s time to organize so you can start a new quarter refreshed and ready for business!


Porter re:view (Co-Creator & Regular Contributor to Porter Airlines’ Lifestyle Blog, Re:view)